
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Long-Term Care Insurance

With an aging population and uncertainty about the future of Social Security, insurance to cover the high cost of nursing home or at-home health care is becoming more widespread. Medicare pays very little of the cost of long-term care in the United States. Medicaid will pay for the care, but only for patients whose assets are almost completely depleted.
With Congress always debating the future funding of these programs, financial planning for long-term care is more crucial than ever.
Medigap insurance can help pay medical expenses of the elderly not covered by Medicare. However, it doesn't cover custodial nursing home costs. In fact, about half of all nursing home residents pay for the care with personal savings.
Contact a qualified insurance professional or AARP for more information on long-term care insurance.

Long-term care insurance can be expensive and complex, but may be a necessity for older people as the long-term coverage of Medicare is often inadequate.